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What are private blog networks

Private Blog Networks, or also called PBNs are very popular in SEO circles nowadays. Anybody who is interested in improving their website ranking seems to be looking in the PBN market for solutions. But what exactly is a PBN?

Using Private blog network is a tactic in which you purchase expired domains with existing authority and use them to link back to your money site. PBNs have become a key component in search engine optimization campaigns because of the level of control a webmaster has over the incoming links they receive.

When it comes to search engine ranks, building links for a particular keyword is an essential factor to consider. Aside from the number of links you need to build, you also have to worry about the quality of links your site receives. For example, thousands of backlinks from substandard sites are nothing compared to a single site from authority names like Moz, Forbes, Mashable or Entrepreneur.

The advantage of private blog networks is that you get a link from distinguished sites. Although it is probably not on the level of the sites mentioned earlier, the SEO value your site gets is still remarkable. By acquiring more expired domains with high authority, you can conveniently pass link juice and quickly strengthen your link profile, thus gaining a more elevated position in SERPs.

If creating a private network blog is something you plan to do, there are certain things to keep in mind. You must keep in mind that PBN is that it straddles between blackhat and whitehat SEO.

When done correctly, building links in PBN look very natural. However, this is not specifically the acceptable way of link building. The fact that you are trying to manipulate your site’s inbound links and acquiring them inorganically is against Google’s policy.

There is a trade-off when using PBNs. Although there are numerous perks in using PBNs, you have to accept that with better control of your inbound links (anchor text, content, and quality of links), there is a higher risk of getting penalized as well. This is why the majority of SEO experts never use PBN alone as a means of building links. They always incorporate a mix of natural organic backlinks acquired from outreach.

Here is an overview of how you can set up a private blog network site:

  1. Find and register the domain.
  2. Install WordPress and the other plugins you need.
  3. Change the default widgets and permalinks.
  4. Include images, videos, and infographics to make the website look more authentic.
  5. Add more quality posts and well-written content.
  6. Build your base pages (Contact Us, About Us, Disclaimer, Privacy, etc.)
  7. Wait around two to three weeks before adding links to your main site.
  8. After two to three weeks, you can start adding outbound links.

Why Should You Create A PBN?

Now that you are aware of what PBN is, you can now decide if you are willing to consider this technique for your site. Arguably, the best thing about private blog network is the control you can have over backlinks.

Outreach campaigns are the best ways to gain backlinks organically. However, this is a tedious process to go through, and you would need to cede control of your link to the site owner. Because of this, you can never be sure how they will feature your link, or if they intend to feature it at all.

Why Should You NOT Create A PBN?

While some webmasters remain successful with the PBNs, there are also others who are less fortunate. There is a possibility that Google will detect this tactic on your site, but there is also a chance that it won’t. You now have to decide if you are willing to gamble on this. Pure white hat SEO service providers do not use PBN at all

PBN alone does not ultimately prove to be a sustainable SEO technique over time. If Google catches and penalizes you, there is a high risk of income loss. If done without caution, there is a lot on the line when using PBNs.

In conclusion, PBNs provide high authority backlinks to your site, regulate the content around backlinks, control over anchor texts, and easily alter content and anchor texts at any time. The downside here is that when you do not equip yourself with the proper knowledge for using this technique, you can lose all of your hard work in one day.